Thursday, April 7, 2011


A wish cast into the star-laden sky,
all of my hopes and dreams
for each of you, my children,
that I might have children,
(offspring given the right season)
that I may utilize the skills
I am learning and exercise the wisdom
in order to rear you within an environment
in which you can grow.

As with my garden,
I have tilled the ground,
before having sown you.
From seeds planted in fertile soil,
you will germinate.
From sprouts I will nurture you,
stimulating your curious roots
so that they may seek out new,
uncharted depths of the soil,
providing the strong foundation needed
for you to grow into fruition.
Well before you are on your way to bud,
I will have been allowing for the proper circulation of air,
provoking the independence that is needed
as appropriate for each stage of your development.
All of this in an effort of aiding you,
so that you will blossom
into the most wondrous flower of any ilk,
which both your leaf and petal be of production.
This foundation that I have laid for you
so that you may grow to be hardy.

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